Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 4 Of The YouTube At Home Workout Channel Challenge

This is the last week for our 4 week YouTube workout Challenge. I know I had fun doing the workouts I hope you did too. The weather is changing and it's getting colder outside so I'll be doing my workouts indoors  YouTube has so many great workout channels to choose from you truly don't have to leave your home, or spend money on a gym membership or even buy any special equipment. Let's flatten our stomachs, tone our bodies,boost our metabolism, burn fat and calories,  All you need is motivation, consistency and the will to work hard to achieve your desired fitness goal.

For our last week we'll be working out with Leslie Sansone


Leslie Sansone is the queen of the walking at home workouts. I love working out with Leslie because her workouts are easy to do and anyone can do her workouts, no matter what your fitness level is. I love that she uses everyday people of all ages and sizes in her workout videos  She has a wide array of walk at home workout video's that will get you in tip top shape. You can workout with Leslie on YouTube and  Hulu Plus you can also buy her workout DVD's on QVC, Walmart and at Target. Leslie workouts will flatten your belly, tone your arms and legs, burn fat and calories Her video's will work your entire body You may need light to heavy dumbbells and a mat.

This our last week of our challenge so let's hit it hard! No pain No gain ! We can do this.
Workout at least 5 to 6 days a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes.
Please consult your physician before doing any new workout.
Video 1
2 Mile Walk
Boost Metabolism, Burn Fat and Calories
Video 2
Walk Strong
Burn Fat, Build Muscle
Video 3
4 Fast Miles
Boost Metabolism, Burn Calories and Tone Legs

Video 4
5 Mile Walk
Tone Arms, Tone Legs and Burn Calories
Although this is the last week of the YouTube workout challenge don't let this be the last time you workout. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get fit. Take a walk at the park, put on your favorite CD and dance the calories off, utilize YouTube and Hulu Plus they offer hundreds of video's that works every part of the body. If you need motivation join a fitness meet up group or blog or a Facebook fitness group. They key is to just get started! Go at your own pace and don't compare yourself to anyone else. You truly can loose weight and re shape your body all it takes is your determination.
 Let's Go PHAT DIVA"S !!  

Monday, October 21, 2013

Top 6 Benefits Of Eating Kale


Kale has become so popular because it's one of the most nutritious vegetables that we eat. Kale is inexpensive and there are a variety of ways you can add this powerhouse vegetable to your diet. I love to juice it, make smoothies and my all time favorite is to make a kale salad.


Here are 6 great benefits for adding kale to your diet
    1. Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and zero fat
One cup of kale has 36 calories 5 grams of fiber and zero grams of fat. It's promotes regular digestion, lower blood sugar, prevents constipation and curves your appetite.
    2. Kale is a great  Anti- Inflammatory food.
.Kale is anti-inflammatory, and inflammation is one of the strongest signs of physical and mental aging. When we consume anti-inflammatory foods, we boost our bodies defenses and aid in slowing down the wear and tear of aging. Antioxidants are abundant in kale, and these antioxidants go right away at attacking and defeating free radicals that can affect the skin and other areas of the body. Kale further aids to fight against excessive inflammatory-related problems, such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and asthma.

   3. Kale's has risk-lowering benefits for cancer
 These types include cancer of the bladder, breast, colon, ovary, and prostate. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) made from glucosinolates in kale play a primary role in achieving these risk-lowering benefits.Glucosinolates are a class of organic compounds found in kale that have been shown to be helpful in preventing cancer. Kale has antioxidants carotenoids and flavonoids, kale boosts a unique combination of anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting compounds than many other foods. .

    4. Kale Contains Vitamin A
Vitamin A may help keep you attractive, as eating foods rich in this vitamin provides a slightly reddish-orangish hue to the skin. Kale also has  over 192% of the RDA of vitamin A, one cup of kale is an effective antioxidant, boosts immunity, maintains healthy bones and teeth, prevents urinary stones, and is essential to our reproductive organs.

 5. Kale Contributes to Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
One of my favorite health benefits of kale is the fact that it can help with promoting skin health. It contains a healthy balance of omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, something that is lacking in the average diet. Omega-3′s are anti-inflammatory and provide flexibility to cell membranes. Adding kale to your daily diet will nourish the skin, hair and nails..

6. Kale Contains Vitamin C
  The high vitamin C content in kale may help protect against premature aging of the skin by protecting the skin from ultra violet light. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals produced from prolonged sun exposure. One cup of kale provides over 88% of  Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin C. It's lowers blood pressure, ensures a healthy immune system, and fights against age-related ocular diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration. .
Try adding kale to your diet. You can buy the kale pre- packaged, already washed  and cleaned, that's makes it so easy to use.
 Make a kale salad with raisins, red onions, diced apples, almonds, balsamic vinegar to tenderize the kale, add some honey and lemon juice ,add all the ingredients to a bowl with a lid. Shake well to mix all together, let sit in the refrigerator for at least one hour so the kale can get tender.  Enjoy your delicious  Kale Salad   
Make a refreshing Strawberry Banana Kale Smoothie one to two cups of kale, strawberries, one banana, 1/3 cup of almond milk,  honey, ice cubes, add water as needed to decrease the thickness of the smoothie, add to blender and blend to desired consistency. Enjoy your refreshing Kale Smoothie 

Thursday, October 17, 2013


It's time for week 3 of the YouTube workout challenge. Last week we worked out with Tiffany Rothe's workout channel. I love working out with Tiffany she makes working out fun and challenging. The music is great because you can workout to the beat that helped me push through the workouts. I was actually sore after working out with Tiffany. I did her chair exercise called "Get Fit While You Sit" for the arms and my arms were on FIRE! I love the burn, that lets me know that I'm working my muscles making them firm and strong. I hope you made it through week 2 of the YouTube workout challenge, if you didn't that's okay you can start at anytime! The key to success is to get started, the failure is not trying!
This Week YouTube Workout Channel is
Jessica Smith TV 
This week will be working out with Jessica Smith. Jessica's gives you a great workout that anyone can do! She has video's that will work your entire body her video's consists of walking workouts to get your cardio in and tone your legs , dancing workouts will get your heart rate up so that you can burn calories and fat, abs workouts to flatten your stomach and so many more. Jessica also has good music that will your body moving and grooving.  Let's get week 3 started with Jessica!  
Remember to workout 4 to 5 days a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Jessica Smith TV YouTube channel has a lot of great workouts to choose from, so find the ones that best fits your fitness level. 
You may need light to heavy weights, yoga mat and a towel for some of the workouts. Never over do it, drink water if you need to and stop if you feel any discomfort.

 Please consult with your physician before starting any new workout plan.
Video 1
Latin Spicy Walk
30 minute walking workout 
Cardio, calorie burning, fat burning 

    Video 2
Flat Abs Walk
Low Impact Cardio Workout
Flatten and Strengthens Abs

Video 3
Super Set Sculpt
Total Body Workout
Fat Burning, Metabolism boosting and Body Sculpting


Video 4
30 Minute High Intensity Workout 
Interval Training, Calorie Burning, Fat Burning
These video's are just some examples of what Jessica's YouTube Channel offers. You can pick and choose any of her workout video's to start out with. Once again remember to workout at least 4 to 5 days a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes.  YOU CAN DO IT !!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


It's time for our week two workout at home YouTube Channel challenge. I hope you'll made it through week one doing the Fitness Blender Channel workouts. I did my at home workouts and I also went to the park to walk and do some light jogging. This challenge is to help you get started and motivated to working out rather it's workout at home or going to the park for a nice walk. You don't need any special workout equipment, you don't need to spend money on a gym membership. All you need is to get your body moving ! I know you're going to really enjoy the YouTube workout Channel for this week.

                                            Me at the Park after my walk and light jogging

This week we'll be working out at home with Tiffany Rothe. I love Tiffany's workout channel because she has videos in English and in Spanish. She has advanced and modified versions of her workouts so that anyone can do her workouts. Her workouts are very effective and she works the entire body, you can workout during the day or at night. She has great music that will have you grooving. The music makes the workout a lot easier because your working out to the beat of the music. She has a 10 minute booty shaking waist workout to slim your waist, get your sexy back to burn calories and blast fat, bikini abs to flatten that belly and several other body shaping video's you can choose from.


Tiffany's workouts are in 10 to 15 minute increments therefore, you have to do several of her workouts to get your 30 to 45 minute workout in. The workouts are fun and challenging, she makes you want to do the other workouts videos. For some out the workouts, you may need light weight dumbbells, yoga mat or water bottles, these are all optional. If you want a challenging workout add the additional weights. If your not up to the challenge yet, do the workouts with out any weights. I posted some video's you can get started with. You can pick and choose any of the workouts you want to start with. Always start with the warm up video and end with the cool down stretch video. Let's get started lets flatten our bellies, sculpt sexy arms and legs and get fit and healthy !

                                                                    Video 1
                                                      Hot Body Warm Up Video 
                                                  Always warm up before any workout
Video 2 
 10 Minute Booty Shaking Workout
Get Your Cardio on with this Booty Shaking Workout
Video 3
Boxer Babe Workout
 Cardio and Arm Sculpting Video 
Video 4
Get Flat Sexy Abs Workout
Abs Sculpting and Core Strengthen
Video 5
Cool Down
Stretch and Mediation Video  
These video's are just recommendations you can pick any of the video's for your workout. I hope you enjoy Tiffany's Rothe workout channel as much as I do. Remember to workout at least 4 to 5 days a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Let's Go ! Team PHAT DIVA'S !!
Please Consult your Physician before starting any workout routine

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


On my journey to become healthier I'm trying out new foods to add to my healthy eating lifestyle. I'm always looking for great tasting meat alternatives. I know just by reducing the amount of meats in your diet you can cut down your risk factors for so many diseases.

I love burgers.. I love the texture, smell and how you can add your favorite toppings to make your burger taste so good! I'm on a search to find vegan or veggie burgers that are healthy and full of flavor. Not all vegan or veggie burgers are healthy you have to read the ingredients be sure to look at the calorie, fat and sodium amounts. I know many of you are probably just like me. You want to find great tasting meat alterative burgers but may be a skeptical in trying a new product.

                                               Dr. Praeger's California Veggie Burger

I was at Whole Foods grocery shopping and I came across Dr. Praeger's California Veggie Burgers. The price was in my budget, it's $4.99 for a box of 4 individually wrapped burgers.  The burger size is 2.75 oz. The veggie burgers are vegan, no animal product at all in these burgers, not even eggs or milk however, they are made in a facility that uses wheat, soy, milk, eggs and fish. I never heard of Dr. Praeger's  Sensible foods so I wanted to find out their story and what other types of foods they make. After doing some research on Dr. Praeger's, I found out that it all started in 1994  cardiac surgeon Dr. Peter Praeger and his medical partner, Dr. Eric Somberg, helped keep a family business alive. They bought Ungar’s Gefilte Fish – a popular food company within the Jewish and Yiddish communities. The doctors set out to help people see nutritious food in a new light. They expanded the company to include all-natural and sensible products to appeal to a wider consumer base. Dr. Praeger’s Sensible Foods, now includes dozens of all-natural, kosher frozen foods.

                                                       Cooked veggie burger

  I added vegan grape seed mayo and some banana peppers 

  I was a little scared to try the veggie burgers. I've had some bad experiences with some other brands. I tried some that tastes like cardboard ..well I never tasted cardboard, so I should say the texture was hard and taste was bland and dry.  If I'm going to eat healthy it has to taste good! I  won't eat nasty tasting food I don't care how good it is for me.

Dr. Praegers  veggie burgers are very good. I really like the burgers. The burgers are well seasoned they have a good texture and they are moist. Everything I look for in a burger this burger has.  You can actually see the vegetables in the burger. Although,  it's made with all veggies the burger doesn't have a strong veggie taste. I wouldn't consider it a burger because of the size.  It's more like a veggie patty . You may need to eat two to satisfy your hunger, eating two is fine because they are only 110 calories per burger. Overall, I am very pleased and I will purchase them again 

I purchased the burgers at Whole Foods if you don't have a Whole Foods near you can buy them online. I called the customer service department because I had a question regarding the product and I spoke with a nice young man named John well I think his name was John I'm so bad with names. The customer service was great and that's very important to me as a customer, if you have great food and great customer service that's a win in my book! Give  Dr. Praegers Sensible foods a try and let me know what you've tried and how you liked it.

Here's a link to their website

The ingredients were plain and simple, no words I couldn't pronounce and I knew what every ingredient was. The ingredients was all veggie and some seasonings.

Ingredient list : Carrots, Onions,  String Beans, Oat Bran, Soybeans, Zucchini, Peas, Broccoli, Corn, Soy Flour, Spinach, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Red Peppers, Arrowroot, Corn Starch, Garlic, Corn  Meal, Salt, Parsley, Black Pepper.

Non GMO, No Tran Fat, No Saturated Fat, No Cholesterol

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


                Move over Spinach there's a new Kale in town!

Here's a easy to make powerhouse smoothie, packed with nutrients and vitamins. I love this smoothie it tastes so good and it's good for you. This smoothie can be made anytime of day. I usually have a kale smoothie for breakfast.  Kale is a wonder vegetable. It’s one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. Kale is very high in Beta – Carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin K and very rich in calcium. Eating a diet rich in Vitamin K is known for lowering the risk of developing cancer.
A great way to get kale in your diet daily is to make delicious kale smoothies. Kale can be bought in bags already pre chopped and cleaned, this makes for easy preparation for your smoothies. 
                             Pre packaged kale is great to use for smoothies, juicing and cooking
 Bananas has twice as many carbohydrates as an apple, five times as much Vitamin A and iron and three times as much phosphorus. In addition, bananas are also rich in potassium and natural sugars. Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or workout for an hour and a half.
Strawberries contains Antioxidants, Anti- Inflammatory properties and has Anti-Cancer properties. The combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents found in strawberries is well-known to fight against the onset of many different forms of cancer. One cup of strawberries contains over 13% of the RDA of dietary fiber, yet only 43 calories. The dietary fiber in strawberries helps to keep digestion regular, as well as lowers blood pressure and curbs overeating.
Almond Milk is a alternative to cow's milk. Almond milk has a rich and creamy taste. It's lower in fat and calories than regular cow's milk. It's high in vitamins A, D and E  and also rich in calcium. Vitamins A and E act as antioxidants, enhancing immunity and protecting the body's cells and tissues from damage. In addition, vitamin A is important for healthy eyesight and supports normal growth and development. Vitamin D helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth, and enhances immunity
  Here’s a scrumptious kale smoothie recipe you can make at any time of the day.

                           Add kale, fruit, Almond milk, honey and ice to a blender and blend

                                                Enjoy your healthy Kale breakfast smoothie

 1 to 2 cups of kale greens
1 banana
6 to 8 strawberries
1 tablespoon of honey
1/2 cup of unsweetened Almond milk
 Water ( as needed) to make the smoothie less thick
Ice Cubes

 Add all ingredients in a blender and blend to the desired consistency. Pour in a glass.
Makes about 2 cups

 Enjoy your powerhouse smoothie!

Thursday, October 3, 2013



Let's get fit at home by doing a 4 week YouTube workout challenge. YOUTUBE has so many great workout channels that  can give you a great workout. All you need is internet access, workout clothes and determination. You can workout at your convenience, no going to the gym, you can feel comfortable working out in the comfort of your home. You can go at your own pace, you don't have to feel pressure to keep up with anyone, these workouts are all about you! Let's burn calories, fat and build muscle. 

To keep track of your progress weigh your self before your first workout then weigh yourself after you complete your last workout in week one. Try not to weigh yourself daily because your body will be changing, you'll start to gain muscle that shows up as pounds on the scale. Weighting yourself daily can be very discouraging  if your not seeing the pounds come off.  Try on a pair of jeans or dress you no longer can fit and if you can get into them, but not fully button or zip them, that's fine because you're making some progress. No more excuses just follow the workout channels during the weeks posted and get started !

Week 1.

 Workout at least 5 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes. You can choose what days you want to workout. If you can't workout for 5 days try to get 3 days in. If you are going to workout 3 days a week try to find workouts videos that are at least 45 minutes long. You may have to do two different workouts videos to add up to 45 minutes or if the workout your doing is 30 minutes you can re- watch the video for 15 minutes or find a 15 minute workout video.


For week one we'll be doing FitnessBlender workouts. FitnessBlender has great workout videos that will help you burn calories and tone your body. They have video's for every fitness level. I choose 3 video's for you to start out with because they're low impact cardio workouts for beginners. If you are an expert in working out you can find some great workout videos for your fitness level on FitnessBlender. Let's get going! Remember, workout at least 5 days week. Let's get Healthy and Fit!!  Check back next week the for next YouTube workout channel.

 FitnessBlender Channel has a wide array of workouts to choose from low impact to high intensity workouts. Some of the videos doesn't contain a warm up and cool down, so make sure you warm up before doing any workout and cool down with a good stretch after your workout.

                                             Video One
                            Boot Camp Cardio for Beginners

                                            Video Two
                           Low Impact Cardio for beginners
Video Three 
Standing Abs Workout