Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Affordable Care Act Roll Out Glitches

Yesterday October 1, 2013  the Affordable care Act A.K.A Obamacare open enrollment started. Millions of Americans went to to sign up and to see how much it would cost to get covered.  The Healthcare Insurance Market Place seemed to have some technical glitches due to the overwhelming amount of visits the site received yesterday. Over 4 Million  Americans visited in a 24 hour period  and over 190,000 Americans called the help lines for assistance. The response to the Affordable Care Act was more then expected.

 With any new roll out of such a Hugh program there can be computer glitches, but don't let this discourage you from signing up for healthcare or from checking out the website out to see if you can benefit from the Affordable Care Act. In most states people were wanting to get signed up for healthcare, but couldn't  due to the Healthcare Insurance Market Place not functioning properly.

Consumers logging onto received error messages and apology messages for delays, due to high volume traffic. The call centers and online chats experienced longer than expected wait times.  Uninsured Americans are eager to get affordable healthcare for themselves and for their families, so having to wait a little longer on hold to speak with a call center representative is well worth it the wait.

Don't give up trying to log onto  hopefully the glitches will be fixed soon and you'll be able to receive adequate affordable healthcare. You can sign up from now to March 2014 and you can start using your healthcare insurance in January 2014.

For detailed information regarding  the Affordable Care Act go to

To get signed up for through the Health Insurance Market Place go to

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