Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Do you want to workout but don't have time to go to the gym ? Do you make excuses that keep you from working out? You don't want a gym membership because it's not in your budget or there's not a gym close to your home or you don't like working out in front of others. We all want to be healthier and get in shape but sometimes our daily lives get in the way of us achieving our goals of living and maintaining healthier lives.
 I know being a mom, wife,  can get exhausting especially after a long day at work, cheerleading or football practice with the kids, then you still have to cook dinner... the list goes on and on. But you have to time out of your busy schedule for your well-being.  You have to make time to get that workout in. A great workout helps relieve stress, obesity and your overall health. There's several ways to get that great workout in without paying for a gym membership and even without leaving your home.
Here's 5 ways to get your workout in without going to the gym
At home personal trainer
 An personal trainer is a great way to get your workout in at home. A personal will travel to your home and work around your schedule. This is great because you don't have to leave your home. Your personal trainer will motivate you to reach your fitness goals.

  Walking/Jogging/ Running-
 How about taking a nice stroll at the park? Walking, jogging, running is FREE !!! All you need is some good walking/running shoes, good music and your determination. I love going to the park to walk. I walk at least 5 days a week 5 to 6 miles. I walk and do some light jogging. I can now jog 2 miles nonstop and I'm pushing myself further and further, if you want to see results you have to push yourself!  You can't beat a free workout and the bonus is you get to enjoy nature. You can walk at the park, around your neighborhood, shopping malls,  walk your dog and walk to your local stores instead of driving instead of burning gas you'll burn calories.
YouTube has hundreds of workout channels, you can find workouts to tighten your abs, get sexy legs, firm your arms, Zumba, yoga, line dancing, cardio .. the list goes on an on. You will need to have access to the internet.  I stream YouTube through my Nintendo WII. You can stream YouTube to your TV  through many streaming devices like apple TV, video game consoles, boxee box and Roku . You can also do the workouts right from your desktop or laptop. 
Hulu Plus
Hulu Plus is like YouTube where you can stream workouts channels through a streaming device. You need to have internet access. The only con about Hulu Plus is that they have commercials in which can be frustrating while your in the middle of your workout, otherwise that Hulu Plus is a great way to get your workout in at home. Hulu Plus has a wide array of workouts videos to choose from they have the queen of walk at home DVD's Leslie Sansone , the firm ,  exercise TV, yoga, Pilates , cardio workouts and much more. There is a fee of $7.99 for a monthly subscription but that's much cheaper than a gym membership.
Workout DVD'S
Workout DVD's  are the most popular way to get a great workout at home. There are so many workout DVD's on the market to choose from. You can find workout DVD's that targets every body part. Workout DVD's are reasonably price and you can buy cheap workout DVD's on Ebay and Amazon new and used.  You can't turn on the TV without seeing a infomercial promoting the new workout craze.  I try to stay away from the DVD's I see on TV because they seem to be a little pricey however,  I admit I did purchase Shaun T's hip hop abs and Rocking Body. I love Shaun T he makes the working so fun. My other favorite workout DVD's are Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds and Jillian Michaels workout DVD's.
The goal is to just get your body moving. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a great workout in. Get started today! Go for a 30 minute walk or do a 30 minute workout DVD  at home you'll feel better and once you start working out and start seeing results you won't want to stop.

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