Thursday, October 10, 2013


It's time for our week two workout at home YouTube Channel challenge. I hope you'll made it through week one doing the Fitness Blender Channel workouts. I did my at home workouts and I also went to the park to walk and do some light jogging. This challenge is to help you get started and motivated to working out rather it's workout at home or going to the park for a nice walk. You don't need any special workout equipment, you don't need to spend money on a gym membership. All you need is to get your body moving ! I know you're going to really enjoy the YouTube workout Channel for this week.

                                            Me at the Park after my walk and light jogging

This week we'll be working out at home with Tiffany Rothe. I love Tiffany's workout channel because she has videos in English and in Spanish. She has advanced and modified versions of her workouts so that anyone can do her workouts. Her workouts are very effective and she works the entire body, you can workout during the day or at night. She has great music that will have you grooving. The music makes the workout a lot easier because your working out to the beat of the music. She has a 10 minute booty shaking waist workout to slim your waist, get your sexy back to burn calories and blast fat, bikini abs to flatten that belly and several other body shaping video's you can choose from.


Tiffany's workouts are in 10 to 15 minute increments therefore, you have to do several of her workouts to get your 30 to 45 minute workout in. The workouts are fun and challenging, she makes you want to do the other workouts videos. For some out the workouts, you may need light weight dumbbells, yoga mat or water bottles, these are all optional. If you want a challenging workout add the additional weights. If your not up to the challenge yet, do the workouts with out any weights. I posted some video's you can get started with. You can pick and choose any of the workouts you want to start with. Always start with the warm up video and end with the cool down stretch video. Let's get started lets flatten our bellies, sculpt sexy arms and legs and get fit and healthy !

                                                                    Video 1
                                                      Hot Body Warm Up Video 
                                                  Always warm up before any workout
Video 2 
 10 Minute Booty Shaking Workout
Get Your Cardio on with this Booty Shaking Workout
Video 3
Boxer Babe Workout
 Cardio and Arm Sculpting Video 
Video 4
Get Flat Sexy Abs Workout
Abs Sculpting and Core Strengthen
Video 5
Cool Down
Stretch and Mediation Video  
These video's are just recommendations you can pick any of the video's for your workout. I hope you enjoy Tiffany's Rothe workout channel as much as I do. Remember to workout at least 4 to 5 days a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Let's Go ! Team PHAT DIVA'S !!
Please Consult your Physician before starting any workout routine

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