Thursday, October 3, 2013



Let's get fit at home by doing a 4 week YouTube workout challenge. YOUTUBE has so many great workout channels that  can give you a great workout. All you need is internet access, workout clothes and determination. You can workout at your convenience, no going to the gym, you can feel comfortable working out in the comfort of your home. You can go at your own pace, you don't have to feel pressure to keep up with anyone, these workouts are all about you! Let's burn calories, fat and build muscle. 

To keep track of your progress weigh your self before your first workout then weigh yourself after you complete your last workout in week one. Try not to weigh yourself daily because your body will be changing, you'll start to gain muscle that shows up as pounds on the scale. Weighting yourself daily can be very discouraging  if your not seeing the pounds come off.  Try on a pair of jeans or dress you no longer can fit and if you can get into them, but not fully button or zip them, that's fine because you're making some progress. No more excuses just follow the workout channels during the weeks posted and get started !

Week 1.

 Workout at least 5 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes. You can choose what days you want to workout. If you can't workout for 5 days try to get 3 days in. If you are going to workout 3 days a week try to find workouts videos that are at least 45 minutes long. You may have to do two different workouts videos to add up to 45 minutes or if the workout your doing is 30 minutes you can re- watch the video for 15 minutes or find a 15 minute workout video.


For week one we'll be doing FitnessBlender workouts. FitnessBlender has great workout videos that will help you burn calories and tone your body. They have video's for every fitness level. I choose 3 video's for you to start out with because they're low impact cardio workouts for beginners. If you are an expert in working out you can find some great workout videos for your fitness level on FitnessBlender. Let's get going! Remember, workout at least 5 days week. Let's get Healthy and Fit!!  Check back next week the for next YouTube workout channel.

 FitnessBlender Channel has a wide array of workouts to choose from low impact to high intensity workouts. Some of the videos doesn't contain a warm up and cool down, so make sure you warm up before doing any workout and cool down with a good stretch after your workout.

                                             Video One
                            Boot Camp Cardio for Beginners

                                            Video Two
                           Low Impact Cardio for beginners
Video Three 
Standing Abs Workout

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